About Me

about me photo2My Journey

I guess I've always been logical and mathematical. I studied Economics at London University and the found myself working as a planner in an advertising agency in Soho. I had never thought about my future, I guess I'd just gone with the flow.... that was until someone introduced me to a book by S Covey called ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’. Suddenly everything became clear…

Your life doesn’t just happen. Everyday you make choices that create your present and your future and… here’s the really good bit…. You can even decide what future it is that you want and then work backwards from there – simple!  Or was it?

After having my children, I left advertising, retrained with a charity called Parentline Plus and began delivering parenting education courses and working 1:1 with parents in difficult situations. What struck me was how fragile some people's confidence was and how much that lack of self belief affected their ability to perform. This work lead me into the field of NLP and in 2008 I became a certified Practioner of NLP, Time Line Therapy and Hypnosis.

Soon I was writing and delivering courses in business, sport and education, sharing what I'd learnt about how we can use our minds to get the results we want. It was during this time that I came across The Inner Game by Gallwey who described exactly what I'd observed...... performance was what we were capable of minus the the stuff that brings us down..

Performance = Potential – Self Interference

It was what I knew and seeing his work gave me the confidence to follow my own instincts. I wanted to understand more about the power of self belief, confidence, self esteem and the detrimental affects of, doubt, fear and anxiety. As people, our ability to perform and succeed depends on how we feel and how we manage these emotions.

And where is this self doubt most prominent... in Mathematics of all places!! It wasn't long before I was showing children how much they could achieve and all the different aspects of maths. And now I'm tutoring and home schooling maths and science subjects up to GCSE but I'm a tutor from a different background, I'm interested in the person and what makes them tick and then I fit my subjects around my students rather than the other way round.

Young people are so open to the concepts and have built up fewer layers of self doubt. Plato was right when he said that ‘all learning has an emotional base’.  As soon as my students start to feel better about themselves they achieve better results.

I hope you find what you are looking for on this site but if you'd like to ask me anything or find out more please do get in touch.

Best wishes


Before you go...  I must Thank;

Before I leave you I must acknowledge the work of many writers and thinkers who have contributed hugely to the work I do everyday. Without their insights I wouldn’t have been able to develop my own methods of performance coaching.  So, thank you all very much and I will keep this list updated as time goes on.


Mindset    -    Dr Carol S. Dweck

Bounce      -   Matthew Syed

The Inner Game of Golf      -       W. Timothy Gallwey

The Element     -      Sir Ken Robinson

Non Violent Communication      -     Rosenburg

The Power of NOW      -        Eckhart Tolle

The Success Principals         -        Jack Cranfield

The Heart of Parenting         -        John Gottman PHD

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People          -        S Covey

Unlimited Power          -      Anthony Robbins

The Road less Travelled         -        M. Scott Peck

Use your HEAD        -          Tony Buzan

How to talk so kids will listen & listen so kids will talk        -      Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish

The Secret of Happy Children        -         Steve Biddulph

Effective Coaching                  -               Myles Downey

How to win friends and influence people           -             Dale Carnegie

The Art of Successful Living            -                Ralph Waldo Emerson

Words that Change Minds            -                 Shelle Rose Charvet

The One Minute Manger                -            Kenneth Blanchard & Spenser Johnson

Think Like Winner            -               Yehuda Shinar

Coaching for Performance                 -             John Whitemore

NLP the New Technology of Achievement             -            Steve Andreas & Charles Faulkner

Emotional Intelligence        -              Daniel Goleman

P.S. What is Success?

This intangible thing that we are all seeking the measurement against which we stand by ourselves and along side others.  And while each of us may have a vague notion of what success is it is seldom a shared concept. We are all different and that’s a great thing.

Is it about making lots of money? It can be

Is it about creating a happy home? it can be

Is it about achieving straight A’s in all your exams it can be

Is it about building the career of your dreams? it can be


It can be all those things and more.

One thing for sure is that it’s not a static concept and as we move through life reaching our goals, our perspective changes and we need to recalibrate.


Some say……   

‘How can they say my life has not been a success?

Have I not for more than 60 year got enough to eat

and escaped being eaten?’

Logan P Smith


Others say this…

‘Success is the progressive realisation of

predetermined, worthwhile personal goals’

Paul J Meyer


It can also be something simpler….. a happy day, a loving moment, a home baked cake…


Whatever it is for you I can help.

Best wishes



Happier Homes, Healthier Lives, Better Results

Happier Homes, Healthier Lives, Better Results