Supporting your children while they study can be hard
As our children's lives become more stressful so do ours and visa versa. Knowing when to step forward and step back is such a difficult balance. At Time for Excellence I am here to support both you as a parent and your child as a student. My goal is the to take the pressure off while keeping you updated with the progress or lack of. Communication is key and working together will help. I know that this period of studying can feel like it's going to last forever but it doesn't and achieving their potential should not come at a cost to anyone's happiness or health
Positive Parenting - Not always easy
As a parent myself, I am continually amazed by just how difficult the job of parenting can be. When my eldest was about 3 we were in the supermarket and he was pestering to have a go on the Bob the Builder toy outside the shop.
‘OK, you can if you are good’ I replied.
The next thing I saw was the back of him darting out of the shop towards the machine. I chased after him and caught him.
‘I said you could have a go, if you were good’ I screeched.
‘But, how do I be good?’ he asked.
‘Umm, well, just stay by me and ….. umm stay by me’.
I started to realise that this parenting job was going to require far more sophisticated communication skills than I had!
Since then I’ve worked with adults and children in a range of circumstances including spending 6 years working for Parentline Plus.
All relationships can be hard sometimes and I’ve learnt that it’s the difficult times that we go through that can actually draw us closer together. It’s the same thing as not learning much when things go well.
I know that as a parent, we want to help our children to grow and learn but we need to have the skills to do it in a way that’s effective and that doesn’t exhaust us or them.
My workshops are designed to help real parents in real situations understand themselves better and therefore be in a position to better support their children.
Parenting can be tough and lonely sometimes, why not come and join us and discover that we are all facing the same challenges?
A parent’s view..
‘Fantastically helpful - I appreciated all of Jessie's suggestions. It was a very warm atmosphere and I found the collaborative nature of the discussions really useful. Empowering!’
Jessie’s Positive Parenting Workshops
- Stress Busting for parents
- Sorting out arguments in the family
- Supporting your teenagers through their GCSEs
- Ages and stages – Keeping up is hard
- Talking about sex / drugs
- Getting on with your teenager
- Bringing up confident children
- Can do Kids – Self esteem
- Less shouting more co-operation
To arrange a group at your school or for friends please contact Jessie