Online Tutoring and Support
I offer online tutoring and structured home schooling. This can be done individually or in groups. Key subjects are Maths and Science. My students range in age from 10yrs to 17yr although I have also worked with students at university and in other subjects.
Home education offers a child the possibility of a wide ranging and varied education and my work with home schooled students has shown me how valuable that can be. Getting the required qualifications such as Maths and English GCSEs can sometimes be more of a challenge. In these situations I work with the families helping to put in place the structure and teaching necessary to achieve the grades required to progress onto whatever the next stage maybe.
Experience has shown me that strong mental wellbeing lies at the heart of performance so, for your child to be able to reach their potential they need to feel safe and secure. I have studied mental health in children and young people which means that I can read between the lines and provide support as required. Studying together is a great way of not only achieving excellent results but also building self esteem in a warm and trusted environment.
Courses and Workshops
We are all different and to maximise our unique combination of skills and attributes we need to understand how we best learn. Once we have truly grasped this insight the trick is to then transfer our preferred way into every aspect of our lives but especially into our studying. If you do this you will be able to achieve better results in less time so that you can spend more time living and less time at your desk.
I have spent the last 12 years studying, writing and delivering courses on performance psychology. My ‘Getting it Right’ programme adds creatively into a predominately left brain activity and has helped many students gain great results.
These programmes can be delivered as after school clubs or as ½ day workshops. To find out more about these programmes please see below.
If you'd like to find out how you can include these courses into your school curriculum please contact me.
Smarter Study: Achieve better results in less time!
We are all different and all intelligent. This course is designed to reveal what works best for you and focuses on proven study methods, revision techniques and exam preparation.
This programme usually delivered in four 2.5hr sessions but this can be adjusted to fit into your schedule (10 hours in total)
- The Secrets of Success
- Building an Attitude of success
- Goal setting, why and how
- Revision planning
- Personal responsibility and the importance of being proactive
- Individual learning styles and note taking
- Mind mapping
- Memory techniques
- Exam techniques
- How to keep calm and deliver under pressure
Step UP! Branding myself for SUCCESS
Designed to help young people identify their unique combination of skills and attributes so that they can more easily ‘sell’ themselves to others either in a face to face situation (in interview) or on paper (CV).
The earlier we can start seeing ourselves as a brand the easier it will be make good choices and gather relevant experience and knowledge to help us achieve the life we want.
This programme usually delivered in four 2.5hr sessions but this can be adjusted to fit into your schedule (10 hours in total)
- Identifying your unique mix of skills, attributes, interests & values
- Goal setting – What do I really want to achieve?
- Motivation – What sometimes gets in my way?
- Personal responsibility & the importance of being proactive
- Marketing / Branding – What’s your USP?
- Creating your personal brand
- Identifying any gaps
- Communicating your brand – Interview
- Communicating your brand – CV
- Making it happen.
Think like a WINNER: Building Confidence & Self Esteem
‘Whether you think you can or think you can’t – you are right.’ - Henry Ford
This programme is usually delivered in three 2.5 hour sessions but this can be adjusted to fit your schedule
- What makes a winner?
- Building a winning mindset
- Removing obstacles to your success
- Improving self belief and positive feedback mechanisms
- Responding positively to pressure
- Becoming a winner and looking to the future
Getting Exam Ready
Taking exams can be a daunting prospect. By getting ready you can significantly reduce your stress levels and boost your performance
During the sessions we will …
• Explore different revision methods and techniques
• Learn about revision planning and how to maximise the efficiency of the time you set aside for revision.
• Identify how you can reproduce your best work when under pressure